Deirdre Breakenridge


Happy October!

And welcome to another edition of NutsPR Spotlight.

This month’s guest is someone I am honored to call my friend. She is passionate about public relations and paying it forward to the new generations of PR pros.

She loves learning and is part of #foreverstudent league.

Today, she is very kind to share with us a project she’s been working on for years.

Without further ado and for the second time on NutsPR Spotlight, I am very excited to introduce to you Deirdre Breakenridge 

Welcome back to NutsPR Spotlight!

Your new book “Answers for Modern Communicators: A Guide to Effective Business Communication” is out, fresh from the print.

Thank you for having me back in the NutsPR Spotlight.

I’ve always said that writing and publishing a book is like giving birth. Well, this time I feel like I’ve had twins.

This book has been in the making for many years as I’ve gathered and answered some of the most pressing questions that communicators have asked for over a decade.

From moving your brand online to an age of social conversations, there is no shortage of questions about media, relationships, reputation, storytelling, technology, measurement and career advancement. It feels good to listen, offer my answers, and learn together with peers.

Why “Answers for Modern Communicators?” What made you write this book? 

I wanted to mentor on a greater scale. I’ve always mentored and answered questions. But, the questions, years ago, were answered in the classroom, at professional events, or in an office setting.

Today, students, professionals, and educators are reaching out to me daily through many different channels including LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, my blog () and Skype, asking me about the essential skills and practices for the modern communicator.

With every question asked through social media channels, I’ve realized there are more people around the world who have the same challenges and need their questions answered too.

The 150+ questions and answers in the chapters of my book reflect the most challenging areas in PR.

What sets “Answers for Modern Communicators” apart from the rest of the books on PR and communications?

Answers for Modern Communicators is the first book I’ve written in a curated Q&A format. It offers experiences from almost 30 years of practicing PR and moving into a modern era of communication.

There are many excellent books on the subjects of PR, marketing, and social media. However, I tell a lot of stories and offer information and advice for students and professionals who are feeling challenged by different situations and the choices they have to make.

Of course, they can learn from my experiences or use the answers to come up with solutions of their own.

During the research phase for this book, I didn’t see other textbooks in this format.

I thought my readers would appreciate a book that tells all; the good and the “bad” we face in communications today.

I share stories on why you should never lie, how rejection is real, and why you don’t take relationships for granted.

At the same time, there are many happy lessons and situations with positive defining moments.

It’s an “in the trenches” book with simple fundamentals and practices to guidance on complex topics. The marketing experts who participate in the book are extremely generous with their insights and the lessons they’ve learned in their careers too.

Looking back, do you wish you had this kind of book when you were starting out? 

Yes, I would have loved this book when I was starting out in my career and navigating the changes in the media landscape. There were situations I didn’t know how to handle; ones that you just don’t find in a traditional textbook.

The stories, advice and best practice tips presented are what mentors have shared with me, and through my experiences, what I share as a mentor today. The book is easy to read and a guide to more effective communication for your personal brand or your business.

Businesses have many challenges, and the modern communicator needs to be ten steps ahead.

Answers for Modern Communicators helps you to understand the changes and the challenges, focus on the  necessary to excel and to find answers to frequently asked questions.

At the same time, the Answers book also reminds professionals why mentoring is an important part of their role and what will advance our profession.

Where can we order the book?

Answers for Modern Communicators is available online at ,  and .

Learn more about Deirdre’s latest book and connect with her on socials: PR Expanded, , , , , .