Happy Valentine’s Day!
I hope you are celebrating it with your loved ones.
This week’s picks are about loving the people in your life, loving what you do, and never, ever quit on something that makes you better.
Here we go:
5 Articles I Loved This Week
- Hope comes from the inside
I want to start with this powerful article from . He talk about a childhood friend he lost to drugs. The story isn’t about being sad about the loss, but about cherishing the people in our lives while they are alive, it’s about enjoying the little things.
The most important message Danny transmits is that it’s in our power to change things, hope comes from the inside, from your desire to build a better world for yourself and your loved ones. Quit waiting for others to do it for you. Read Danny’s post here.
- One week of solopreneuship
recently launched her own business. She left her full time job to do what she loves and become her own boss.
She is set to document her journey, and in this article she shares how her first week as self-employed looked like. A lot of lessons here for anyone thinking of launching their own business.
- Lessons from one year of self-employment
Let’s stay a little longer with the self-employment topic. Check Paul Sutton’s year in review, what he learned, how he finds clients, better yet how clients find him. why reputation is everything, and more.
- Why you shouldn’t quit on your dreams
Because today it’s about love, about people doing what they love, I found this article from Michael Hyatt very inspiring. Michael says the most powerful question to ask yourself when you’re about to quit is “Why am I doing this?”
So what is the why behind what you’re doing?
In his words: “The truth is that we learn the best lessons when we don’t quit. This is when our character is transformed and good things happen.”
- Inspiring quotes about love
I couldn’t end this week’s picks without some inspiring quotes about love. Enjoy!
Have a wonderful Valentine’s Day!