This post is dedicated to my favorite PR blogs, which happens to be the number one PR blog worldwide. You guessed it’s Spin Sucks!
And the reason I am writing this is because they celebrate 9 YEARS of blogging. Holy cow! Talking about consistency!
For those of you who haven’t heard of Spin Sucks, go check it out! Is the must read resource if you want to stay up to date in PR and digital marketing, if you want a career in PR or simply want to have fun with really smart peeps.
, the founder and lead blogger, not only writes about the latest news and trends in PR and marketing, she also hosts monthly webinars and Q&As with famous authors worldwide.
You thought that’s pretty much it, right? Wrong!
On Fridays Gini features a member of the crazies community, as she calls the Spin Sucks community on the Spin Sucks Inquisition. Thus readers have the chance to get to know them better. It’s a pretty smart move that keeps the community engaged and helps create connections.
On a daily basis Gini invites PR pros, business leaders and bloggers to write for Spins Sucks. And every now and then, she hosts a party or a treasure hunt to keep things entertaining.
Why you should read Spin Sucks:
Better yet: why aren’t you reading Spin Sucks, already?
There are many reasons why you should read Spin Sucks. But probably the most important of all is: learning. And, boy you learn a lot!
The second reason is digital networking. You have the chance to meet people from all over the world, exchange ideas, opinions and who knows, one day you might get to work together.
I talk a lot about the importance of networking, whether digital or in person. Well, Spin Sucks makes it easy for you. The Spin Sucks community is friendly, helpful, funny, witty and smart.
There you have it, the best blog on PR and digital marketing.
Want to know more? Go check it out and don’t miss the chance to say: Happy Birthday!